Dream Dictionary:J字開頭

Dream Dictionary:J字開頭

Dream Dictionary:J字開頭

Jacket Conform. Freedom of movement. Seeking liberty of actions. Luck and prosperity.
Jackhammer Breaking up of old structures. Ready for new beginnings. Strong.
Jealousy Work on fear of intimacy. Not ready to show vulnerability. Unpleasant news. Family quarrels.
Jerusalem Sacred place. Protection. Sweet experiences.
Jesus Christ Human aspect of divinity. Salvation. Healing. Good hopes ahead. Consolation.
Jewel Treasure. Essence. Precious. Revaluation of principles.
Job Work on fulfillment. Frustrated or satisfied with life.
Journey Mystery. Excitement. Transition from one state to another. Moving towards something.
Judge Decision making. Wisdom. Knowledge. Ready for a decision.
Jump Inconsistent in love affairs. Escape from danger. Adventures.
Jungle Remote. Unexplored. Discovery. Adventurous part tries to emerge.
Jury Change. Wisdom or condemnation. Will overcome difficulties.